On 24 May 2024, Coram’s Voices Through Time team were guests of the Chester Civic Trust and the Chester Bluecoat Charity at a fascinating talk by Dr. Anthony Annakin-Smith. 

Anthony is writing a book about the Foundling Hospital’s Chester branch hospital, and his talk took place in the very building that had housed the branch from 1763 to 1769. The capacity audience heard about the lives of the 306 children cared for in Chester, the relationship between the branch hospital and the local community, and the earlier years of the Foundling Hospital. Afterwards, the team chatted to interested members of the audience.

Mike Jenkins, CEO of the Chester Bluecoat Charity, gave the team a tour of the building before the talk.

View a gallery of photos from the day below.

Coram’s Voices Through Time: The Story of Care programme is made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.